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Detox and rediscover YOU this new year

Detox and rediscover YOU this new year

Get some pen and paper. Apply your BLAQ Hyaluronic Acid Eye Mask. We are getting down to business and setting ourselves up for a toxic-free start to 2022. THIS is your handy, holistic detox guide with prompts, tips and hints on how you can look after yourself from the inside out - because that’s what real, #detoxifyingbeauty is all about.

1. Breathe in self-kindness, breathe out toxicity
This year, we are encouraging you to be a little kinder to yourself and your mind - we all know the past couple of years have been tough but we are NOT going there.

If you’re looking to practice a little more self-kindness and self-care for the mind, our go-to is meditation. Think of it as a daily detox for your body and brain - WIN. There are plenty of apps out there and most come with free trials, so be sure to give it a go and see which one works best for you. If it feels daunting, start with just 1 minute a day and build up your time at your own pace. You do you, boo.

Self-kindness also means prioritising yourself. It’s okay to say no plans and rest instead; to make time for therapy (zero judgement here) and to let go of things that are unhelpful and focus on what brings you joy instead (yes, it’s kinda like Marie Kondo-ing your life).

Prompt: Reflect on the past year and the things that truly made you happy. How can you bring more of that into this year and create space for what matters to YOU?

2. Routine refresh
If you’re prone to going from work to couch to bed, it’s time to switch it up. We’re not saying Netflix evenings + takeout aren’t great but a detox also means looking at habits and routines that can leave us feeling “meh” and introducing ideas that could benefit us in the long run instead.

Here are some thoughts: If you’re thinking about reading or learning more this year, place a stack of books next to your TV or on your coffee table so you’ll always have easy access to those knowledge gains. Want to hit the gym and feel more confident in your body? Set out your workout clothes the night before so you’ll be raring and ready to go. Find yourself hitting the ‘gram whenever you unlock your phone? Rearrange your apps so you’ll see the important ones first - eg: meditation or workout apps, Kindle or even WhatsApp so you can really check in with a friend instead of just responding to a story.

Tip: Review your previous week and write down what an ideal week would look like for you. Would it be more time for self-care, more connection with friends or less time spent scrolling? Think about how you could introduce more of what makes you feel content as you go into the new week :)

3. Only the good stuff in
This is one of our key practices at BLAQ and we believe it can also be applied to life. Pay attention to what you consume (and we’re not just talking about one too many glasses of vino or cookies) but other areas of your life - in friendships, in what you watch, read, the products you purchase and what give your time to.

Hint: it it brings you down, it might be time to give it up.

4. No nasties, please
This applies to thoughts, relationships, food and of course, your beauty routine. If you’re finding yourself with a shelf of random products and 12-step skincare routines that leave you zapped, it’s time to hit reset. First, get rid of toxic products that harm your skin and the planet and choose ones with no nasties instead.

We’re incredibly proud of our range here at Blaq because they aren’t about about fads, trends or chemicals that can strip your skin (and soul). Instead, we stick to what we know works: simple, real detoxifying ingredients that improve your skin and oral health without harming the earth or animals. We are also an inclusive detoxifying beauty brand, made for ALL so you’ll never have to filter by skin type or tone.

Tip: Give your beauty shelf an easy, breezy refresh and save some $ with our snazzy bundles that are filled with our bestsellers. Get the glow up you deserve with our Blaq Skin Detox Bundle and give your pearly whites the royal treatment with our Blaq Billion Dollar Smile Bundle.

We understand it can be a lot to start over but we’re here to say: take it one day at a time. It’s okay to not completely change your life. It’s okay if you can’t do it all. Stick with what is helpful for you and include new habits that bring you joy. Do a weekly or monthly review so you are always on track and on top of your game, no matter what life throws your way.

Here’s to new beginnings. You’ve got this!
