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BLAQ detoxifying activated charcoal

BLAQ detoxifying activated charcoal

They say once you go BLAQ there’s no turning back…and it’s all thanks to the wonders of Activated Charcoal.

With the sudden emergence of the charcoal skincare trend it is important to understand why this ingredient is not just a fad, but an ingredient that can take your skincare routine to a whole new level!

Activated charcoal has been around for years due to its ability to act like a magnet to attract and absorb dirt and oil.

So why should you incorporate charcoal into your skin care routine? Here are some reasons:

#1: Do your Pores a Favour
Charcoal has the ability to gently exfoliate and draw out impurities which means it can help keep pores clear and dirt, grime and oil free. No dirt, grime or oil means no blackheads, congestion or breakouts!

#2: Oil Magnet
Activated charcoal can act like a magnet for oils which helps control and balance your oil production. Incorporating charcoal into your daily skin care routine not only helps maintain shine, but oil reduction helps prevent pimples, blemishes and breakouts.

#3: You Glow Girl!
Charcoal not only detoxifies and reduces oil congestion, it also works wonders for your complexion…it improves skin brightness and is the perfect pick me up for tired skin.

If those reasons are not enough to convince you…try it for yourself! Our BLAQ masks are effective and easy to use. Just squeeze some product onto clean fingers and spread it along your T-zone, and then it is a waiting game. Once hard, slowly peel the mask off and voila!
